RN Cloak

Mastering Cloaking: Seamless Integration of Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics

Integrating Facebook Pixel
Step 1: Create Your Facebook Pixel
Log in to Facebook Ads Manager
Go to the
Events Manager
Create a Pixel
Click on the
tab in the Events Manager.
Click on
to create a new Pixel.
Enter a name for your Pixel and click
Copy Your Pixel ID
Once created, you’ll see the Pixel ID. Save this for later use.
Step 2: Add Pixel Code to Your Site
Get the Base Pixel Code
In the Events Manager, find your Pixel and click on
Set up
Install code manually
to get the base code snippet.
Insert the Code
Copy the entire code snippet.
Open the HTML file of your site or access your CMS (like WordPress).
Paste the Pixel code right before the closing </head> tag on every page you want to track.
Dynamic Content Loading
If you're using cloaking techniques, consider wrapping the Pixel code in a conditional statement. For example, use JavaScript to check the user agent or session data to determine when to load the Pixel.
Step 3: Test Your Pixel
Use the Facebook Pixel Helper
Install the
Facebook Pixel Helper
Chrome extension.
Navigate to your site and click the extension to verify that the Pixel is firing correctly.
Integrating Google Analytics
Step 1: Create Your Google Analytics Property
Sign in to Google Analytics
Go to the Google Analytics website.
Create a Property
Click on the
gear icon.
Under the
column, click on
Create Property
Enter your website details and click
Copy Your Tracking ID
After creating the property, you will receive a Tracking ID (e.g., UA-XXXXXXXXX).
Step 2: Add Tracking Code
Get the Tracking Code
In your property, go to
Tracking Info
Tracking Code
Copy the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) code snippet.
Insert the Code
Open the HTML file or your CMS.
Paste the tracking code right before the closing </head> tag on every page.
Dynamic Content Loading
Similar to the Facebook Pixel, you can use conditional loading for Google Analytics.
Step 3: Configure Goals and Events
Set Up Goals
Go to
+ New Goal
to set up goals based on user actions (like form submissions).
Set Up Events
If you want to track specific interactions (like button clicks), implement event tracking in your code.
Optional: Use Google Tag Manager (GTM)
Using Google Tag Manager can simplify the management of multiple tracking codes.
Create a GTM Account
Sign up at Google Tag Manager and create a container for your website.
Add GTM Snippet to Your Site
You will receive two snippets of code. Add them to your site before the closing </head> and immediately after the opening <body> tag.
Add Tags for Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics
In GTM, click on
Tag Type
: for Facebook, choose
Custom HTML
and paste the Pixel code; for Google Analytics, select the appropriate tag type and enter your Tracking ID.
Set triggers based on user conditions.
Monitoring and Optimization
Review Data
Regularly check the analytics dashboards to monitor user behavior and engagement.
Optimize Tracking
Adjust your tracking methods and goals based on the insights gained from the data.
User Consent
: Ensure you have a cookie consent banner that complies with GDPR or other relevant laws, allowing users to opt-in to tracking.
Privacy Policy
: Update your privacy policy to reflect the use of tracking technologies.
By following these detailed steps, you can effectively integrate Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics into your cloaking site while remaining compliant and monitoring user behavior.